Managing Valid Emails With CreataCRM

With CreataCRM, we will constantly check your email to determine if they valid or not, To do this, there is a number of checks we do to solve this, in this document, we will explain how we do this, to help you understand why a email can be flag is invalid,

There is 2 ways we handle the clean the Emails

Once we clean your database, we add them into a list of Invalid emails on your database, This also includes Unsubscribe emails

  1. Verification server
  2. Marketing Server

Flow chart

Marketing Server

With marketing server, we either can clean the email by sending a single email (mark as track email) or sneding as a campaign, If the email is good, we add it to your database as clean, if its bad, we mark it as bad, there is a number of reasons for it being mark as bad, with the marketing server. there is no general log code, but reading the tracking logs will help you know why. With the Marketing Server, Also if the users unsubscribes, it also adds this to your database as a invlaid email.

Verification Server

Either this can be done one at a time, sending batch or running a nightly workflow, this will check if the email is valid, if not will mark it as bad. We have 15 error codes, to let you know why the email is bad. This will also check our existing know email database, to make the experience faster to check, We keep the valid emails for 6 months.

Error Logs

  1. Email doesn't match regex pattern: This email address doesn't look like an email address
  2. Invalid: Bounce: An invalid email address has been verified as a bad recipient address that does not exist or is not accepting mail. Invalid emails will result in a bounce.
  3. Unsubscribed via unsubscribe page: This email has unsubcrined via the unsubscribe page
  4. Invalid: Spamtrap: A spam-trap is a honeypot used to collect spam. Spam-traps are usually e-mail addresses that are created not for communication, but rather to lure spam
  5. [Imported Suppression] Unsubscribe: 'This email was imported from our previous supression system as an unsubscribe
  6. Invalid: Bounce, Role: 'Role-based email addresses (like admin@, help@, sales@, leads@) are email addresses that are not associated with a particular person, but rather with a company, department, position or group of recipients.They are not generally intended for personal use, as they typically include a distribution list of recipients.',
  7. Safe to Send : 'This email is valid and safe to send to',
  8. Invalid: Disposable : 'Disposable emails are temporary accounts used to avoid using a real personal account during a sign-up process. Common providers of disposable emails include Mailinator, Guerilla Mail, AirMail, and 10 Minute Mail.',
  9. Unknown: Unknown : 'We are unable to definitively determine this email’s status. This email appears to be OK, however the domain and/or server is not responding to our requests. This may be due to an issue with their internal network or expired domain names. Unknown addresses are checked up to 3 times before this result code is given.',
  10. Risky: Accept All, Role : 'This is also known as an “catch-all”. This is a domain-wide setting where all emails on this domain will be reported as a catch-all. There is no definitive way to determine whether this email is valid or invalid.',
  11. Risky: Deliverable, Role : 'Role-based email addresses (like admin@, help@, sales@, leads@) are email addresses that are not associated with a particular person, but rather with a company, department, position or group of recipients.They are not generally intended for personal use, as they typically include a distribution list of recipients.',
  12. Unknown: Unreachable : 'We are unable to definitively determine this email’s status. This email appears to be OK, however the domain and/or server is not responding to our requests. This may be due to an issue with their internal network or expired domain names. Unknown addresses are checked up to 3 times before this result code is given.',
  13. Risky: Accept All : 'This is also known as an “catch-all”. This is a domain-wide setting where all emails on this domain will be reported as a catch-all. There is no definitive way to determine whether this email is valid or invalid.',
  14. Safe to Send: Deliverable : 'This email is valid and safe to send to',
  15. Not a valid email address : This email address doesn't look like an email address. Please Check that the emails address does not contain any spaces and that it is valid.,

There is small edge cases that emails are being marked as invalid when they are not invalid, but seem to be less than 1%, if you feel it is a clean email, we can fix this up and recheck the email

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